Click on the following links to get details on how to download the latest version of BrainVoyager as well as documentation and plugins. This side also provides links to other programs belonging to the BrainVoyager product family, including Turbo-BrainVoyager, BrainVoyager Viewer and Brain Tutor. To run BrainVoyager or Turbo-BrainVoyager, you need a valid (trial) license; details are provided at the respective software page. The Viewer and Brain Tutor programs can be downloaded and used free of charge. For further information, please send an email to "support_at_BrainVoyager_dot_com".

BrainVoyager Viewer - New Version Coming Soon!
Download version 2.0 for WindowsDownload version 2.0 for macOS
Download version 2.0 for Linux

BrainVoyager Brain Tutor
Download from Windows Store for Windows 11Download from Mac App Store for macOS
Download from Apple Store for iOS / iPadOS
Download for Linux (coming soon)